Hi 👋 , I'm Derek Demuro
Lead software engineer and consultant. Assisting software companies succeed. Let's write amazing software together. Feel free to message!
🔭 I’m currently working on Stealth Startups (Billing and Identity Management) -
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Linux Kernel -
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://git.takelan.com/ddemuro -
📝 I regularly write articles on www.derekdemuro.com/blog -
💬 Ask me about Anything computer related, C++, Java, PHP, Nodejs or Python -
📫 How to reach me mail@derekdemuro.com -
📄 Know about my experiences www.derekdemuro.com -
⚡ Fun fact Living in Orlando, moved from Texas and born in Uruguay.
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Software Engineer at Password Boss
Winter Park
3:29 AM
Member since February 08, 2016